
Jan 27, 2014

Justin Bieber May Not Have Been Drunk Nor Drag Racing After All:

TMZ reports that the cops in Bieber’s drag racing and DUI case may have fudged their police

report in a big way. While Bieber’s blood alcohol level was initially reported to be .04, it was

officially marked as .014, which would be less than one beer for someone of the ‘Believe’ 

singer’s size. And that’s inconsistent with the arresting officer’s claim that Bieber reeked of 


Bieber, at the time, insisted he wasn’t drunk, but failed his field sobriety test.

What’s more, TMZ is also reporting that Bieber’s rented Lamborghini didn’t reach the 

speeds the cops initially claimed.

The rental shop where Bieber and alleged drag racing partner Khalil borrowed the wheels 

attached GPS devices to the vehicles that tracked their speed. At the time of the alleged 

drag race, in which cops claimed the singer and rapper were driving over 60 MPH, the guys 

were only going between 27 and 34 MPH.

Depending on who you believe, the cops may have fudged their police reports in order to 

justify the traffic stop. Maybe that whole “FREE BIEBER” campaign holds more water than 

his arrest did.

Source: Justin Bieber May Not Have Been Drunk Nor Drag Racing After All |

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